Magicor project site on SourceForge
We have some packages and installers available. All packaging is done by a community effort, thank you all!
Package available in unstable: . Thanks to Xavier Oswald who is the package maintainer!
Package for Ubuntu provided by João Pinto, thanks!
If you have python and pygame the source version its what you want; if not you can download Magicor1.0_Installer.exe wich includes everything you need.
Both the Magicor and Magicor Data files are needed to play. Additional requirements are:
Additional requirements for the editor:
NOTE: You need BOTH the source code and the data file to play the game.
Latest release is Magicor 1.0 stable . Remember to get both data and source tarballs!
If you need to run the latest in-development version or any of the older versions.
SVN available from SourceForge:
svn co magicor