Magicor! - The cool penguin saves the world

Magicor project site Magicor project site on SourceForge

Magicor! - The cool penguin saves the world


We have some packages and installers available. All packaging is done by a community effort, thank you all!


Package available in unstable: . Thanks to Xavier Oswald who is the package maintainer!

Ubuntu (inofficial package)

Package for Ubuntu provided by João Pinto, thanks!


If you have python and pygame the source version its what you want; if not you can download Magicor1.0_Installer.exe wich includes everything you need.


Both the Magicor and Magicor Data files are needed to play. Additional requirements are:

Additional requirements for the editor:

NOTE: You need BOTH the source code and the data file to play the game.

Latest release is Magicor 1.0 stable . Remember to get both data and source tarballs!

SVN access

If you need to run the latest in-development version or any of the older versions.

SVN available from SourceForge:

svn co magicor