Magicor project site on SourceForge
Welcome to the home of Magicor, the puzzle-game.
Magicor development has moved to!
Long time since last update, but the game seems to be working OK and everybody's busy with new projects, both in life and game hacking. So, what's new in 1.1? A few minor bugfixes, new music and loads of new levels. Basically, I just wanted the latest stuff Claudio and Fred have added to be available in the latest version. Enjoy!
Download in tarball form is available in the download section . If/when Windows installer and Debian packages are uploaded is currently unknown, but we'll try our best! Cheers!
All developers are engaged in non-Magicor activities, but I managed to release this, even though I'm sort of hung over from the weekend. If I get no official complaints within four weeks I'll release a stable 1.1. Check the download section to download the source tarballs and try it out.
The new features include the snow theme, added media and polished graphics. The "walk-under-falling-blocks" bug was fixed which means that you can now push a block and immediately walk in under any previously supported blocks. I hope this will fix some of the "control issues" reported earlier.
The last months have been quiet, everybody seems to be enjoying the game and we (the developers) have been busy with our real lives. While keeping busy with their real lives, Claudio and Fred have also managed to whip up some new material!
Claudio has been busy making new code, threatening our penguin hero further while Fred has been busy making all sort of new, crazy levels to accomodate the -advanced- magicor gamer as well as attracting newcomers.
As usual, Fred's levels makes no sense when you first look at them, but
they do have working solutions. Just "visualize" it, man! :)
And finally Fred's all new snow-theme, I took the liberty of modifying
the graphics a bit. Now, considering the title screen
and the protaginst, why did it take so long to get a snow-theme?
We expect the 1.1 release candidate to be available for download pretty soon, but for now you'll have to get jiggy with the SVN version.
Ubuntu users will be happy to know that there's an inofficial package available at the getdeb network, credits to João Pinto.
Debian users will probably have an official package in sid quite soon. The maintainer to be is our new team member, Xavier Oswald. Welcome!
Meanwhile, Claudio Canepa has been busy making a Windows installer. See download windows section for more info.
For all those who want to know more about Magicor, try the documentation page.
Are you a good 2D artist? We are looking to "brush up" the graphics, get a decent logotype and fonts. The current graphics reak of programmer and need the touch of an artist. Interrested? E-mail petgeb at
Minor bugfixes and even some new levels were thrown in there. Screenshot available from new "snow" theme:
Latest tarballs, Debian package and Windows installer available from the download page!
Yes, you can get it from the download page.
These are the major things fixed in the RC2:
Claudio Canepa has been the driving force of the latest bug fixes, very nicely done!
The SVN version has now been verified to work on Windows, many thanks to Claudio for putting in the time. As luck would have it, Claudio is now helping weeding out bugs and game physics, so progress is much faster.
Still no Windows-installer, run the game from the unpacked directory. See download for more info.
I've decided to split up the themes into own, optional tarballs. This means you can download the Magicor source with the core media needed to run the game and a few new "standard levels".
There's not much left before the 1.0 release:
So far I have the first two covered, working on them right now. The working Windows installer is still missing. :( Help out?
So far two bugs have been identified and fixed thanks to Frederic Wagners brilliant custom levels. One serious and one minor. Unless you run custom levels you will not experience these bugs, so keep testing the 1.0 RC1 download.
I have gotten some replies regarding a Windows-version, but it seems time is not on Windows gamers' side and an installer is still not reality.
Anyone who has successfully run Magicor can help by sending installation (including requirements) instructions or, even better, build an installer. :) Any help is much appreciated!
The first release candidate for the 1.0 release is available. Please help find bugs and suggest anything you feel might enhance the gaming experience. Any help is much appreciated!
See the download section to grab it!
Still looking for someone to provide a working Windows installer for all those Windows users out there. I keep getting e-mail about it, but I have no access to Windows so I can't help.
The editor is done, I've decided to bump the version to 1.0 RC 1 instead of pesky 0.x version numbers. Also, added new option "eyecandy" to the options. Disabling eyecandy reduces a lot of alpha channel blits and scrolling.
Check out the screenshots from the new title and the new level theme.
So, the editor became a hack. Again. But at least it's become a useful tool in creating levels. As soon as the decoration brush is complete the editor for the 0.1 RC 1 is ready!
Only enemy and tile brushes left! I've been working like a dog, but the end result is sort of nice. Still, not looking forward to the selection-tool implementation, it will be difficult to build on my crappy GTK level component.
Meanwhile, here's a screenshot for you to adore:
I decided on a rewrite because the first editor was basically spaghetti code. Now the new editor is turning out just like that.
I have such a problem with GTK, always had. The names are unintuitive and no straight-forward aproach works, you always have to do it the hard way. I guess the reason it's so complex is because a good toolkit needs to be, but it's giving me some trouble.
Anyway, I'm just going to get it to a stage of "barely usable" and then continue on with the actual game. The great GTK editor will just have to wait. If you have ever written clean and neet code using GTK you might be able to help out, because I sure can't.
First, a Windows installer (any installer for any OS, really) would be much appreciated. I don't have access to Windows on a permanent basis, so I just can't do it.
Second, but not least, is the bit about media. Graphics, music, logos, fonts and sound effects; they all need to be refined or possibly replaced with something better.
I'll be spending all time on the editor so I can create levels with more ease. Once it's done I'm hoping to have at least a dozen themes with ten levels each. Or something like that. ;)
Beta testing! Please download and test the game. :)